2022 Uncertain Predictions
I wrote the post, 2021 Uncertain Predictions for those over 50 Years of Age a year ago when things were incredibly uncertain. One would have thought back then that by the beginning of 2022, we would not have so much uncertainty. If you had made that prediction you would have been proved wrong.
Of my 7 predictions, my crystal ball was fairly accurate. Therefore, I thought I would give it a try for this year.
However, before you read any more I would suggest you listen to the podcast, 2022 Career Reality Check-In for the 50+ Crowd with John Tarnoff John Tarnoff as John and I discussed where we saw things going.
Uncertain Predictions for 2022
Uncertain Prediction #1 – Adaptability Will Be a Key Trait that Employers Will be Looking For in 2022
Given the continued upheaval in the job market due to COVID-19, the record low levels of workforce participation rate, turnover due to the great resignation, and the never-ending supply chain problems adaptability will be a key trait.
Adaptability has become shorthand for the willingness to learn. I want you to look back at the last 12 months and document what skills you acquired and how did you do it. If you want to demonstrate adaptability it is best to do that by showing that you are a lifelong learner.
If you find that you have stagnated in your learning then now is the time to start.
Uncertain Prediction #2 – Vaccinations Will Become Mandatory for Some
I am writing this just a couple of days after the SCOTUS ruled against the new OSHA rules that would have required employers with 100 or more employees to require either vaccination or weekly testing.
A lot of employers wanted these rules to escape the blame for requiring vaccinations. They want their employees to be vaccinated but wanted the federal government to make it a requirement.
Companies that are in multiple states also wanted national rules. With conflicting COVID rules in different states, companies want predictable rules and yes, they want you vaccinated. Some companies will require vaccinations and yes, that is legal.
As we saw, the SCOTUS upheld the vaccine mandate for healthcare workers who work for organizations that received federal funding.
Companies that have worker shortages probably will not mandate vaccinations. They are worried that will drive people to quit and find another job.
Uncertain Prediction #3 – Workforce Participation Rate Will Stay at Record Lows
The biggest group that dropped out of the workforce and has not returned are those of you over the age of 50. A lot of this group have retired and will not be returning except for part-time work.
For others, there are still barriers to returning to work. We are all tired of the pandemic but for many, the worry has become debilitating. We are seeing companies either delay their return to the official plans or have stopped setting dates completely.
I do not see those that are on the sidelines now returning to the workplace and feeling safe.
Uncertain Prediction #4 – You Will Probably Get at Least One More Booster in 2022
My wife and I just returned from a quick trip to the Dallas/Fort Worth area to get our booster shots. We had a lot of American Airline frequent flier miles that needed to be used and American Airlines had a direct flight from Guadalajara to Dallas/Fort Worth.
As John Tarnoff discussed in the recent podcast, this will not be the last wave we will experience this year. Also, the readership of this blog skews older and is college-educated. If you look at the demographics of the unvaccinated, it is heavily skewed to those under 50 years of age and with less than a college degree. My guess most readers of this blog are vaccinated.
You will likely get one more booster this year.
Uncertain Prediction #5 – The Great Resignation Will Slow
We have been seeing the “quit rate” continue to rise. That will slow in 2022 for no other reason, employers are realizing they cannot survive with massive turnover. This is primarily happening at lower-paying jobs where pay increases have been the largest.
I look at the great resignation as a good thing. It is forcing employers to adapt and create better working conditions for their employees.
Uncertain Prediction #6 – The Hybrid Workplace Will be Normalized
Some CEOs were demanding that their employees return to the office. Financial industry executives have been demanding that the only way to work is to be in the office. Well…. they are finally getting the picture and relenting.
The hybrid workplace will become the accepted norm this year. You can work from home when working on solo tasks but be in the office when collaboration is required.
If the financial industry is relenting that remote work is acceptable that makes it acceptable to other industries.
Uncertain Prediction #7 – 2022 Will be Unpredictable
2021 did not turn out the way anyone expected. We had huge shifts in employment and retirement along with 2 whiplash COVID variants that no one saw coming.
I strongly suspect there will be multiple shifts in the employment, retirement, and direction of the pandemic in 2022.
This takes me back to uncertain prediction #1 – that adaptability becomes the #1 key trait that employers will be looking for.
Strap on your seatbelt as 2022 will likely be a crazy bumpy ride!
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