Podcast #176 – Mark Anthony Dyson Gives Us 13 Ways to Handle Any Salary Negotiation
Mark Anthony Dyson is always hacking and reimagining the job search process. He is a freelance career advice writer working with online publications serving job seekers and career changers. His career advice has been featured on Forbes, Business Insider, Fast Company, and Linkedin’s #GetHired publication.
This week I am playing the audio of a webinar that Mark Anthony Dyson, who is the host of The Voice of Job Seekers, gave to the Career Pivot Membership community back in March. This is called 13 Ways to Handle Any Salary Negotiation.
This is particularly relevant in the post COVID-19 world where many of you will be thrown into new situations and will need to negotiate.
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Now on to the podcast…
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The Voice of Job Seekers Podcast
The original blog post on FinancialDiet.com –> 13 Strategies To Get The Most Out Of Your First Salary Negotiation
Mark is using Prezi.com for this presentation.
JobMob.co.il – Where to Research Job Market Salaries in 2020
Look at your salary both from a national and regional basis. Salaries change more often than you think.
Confidence plays a big factor in salary negotiation.
Be prepared for a friendly conversation. Compensation is more than salary. There is should be a win-win in this negotiation process.
Do your research on what the company offers in the way of healthcare. Talk to 10 people within the company to get a feel for what the company offers. The more you know the better.
Understand the legalities of your state.
Be prepared to tell stories on how you performed in previous jobs.
- How you did things
- How you helped change how the company worked
- How you overcame obstacles
Publicize your accomplishments on blogs, podcasts, and other social media platforms. Employers want proof.
“No” is useful intel.
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