5 Bold Goals

Have you set bold goals for the upcoming year? Notice I said ‘bold’ goals and not just goals.
The idea for this post came from the “Smart Passive Income” podcast where Pat Flynn interviewed Michael Hyatt about goal setting. You can listen to this podcast here.
Michael Hyatt has a new course on goal setting that many of my mentors are promoting.
Setting Goals – But How Bold Should I Go?
How far do you go with your goals? It is easy to set goals that are easy to attain. It is also easy to set goals that are ridiculous; like Pat says, “I want to make a billion dollars next year.”
Michael talks about 3 zones:
- Comfort Zone – This is setting a goal for incremental improvement but no growth and very likely no excitement.
- Discomfort Zone – This is where you are stretched. – maybe a little past your limits. There may be some fear, uncertainty or doubt. Great things in life occur in the Discomfort Zone.
- Delusional Zone – We all know this zone. Setting goals so high they are impossible to achieve. You may want to go right up to this zone and then back off.
5 Areas to Set Your Bold Goals
Let me suggest 5 areas in which to set bold goals.
What are your financial goals for 2017? It could be:
- Pay off debt
- Save for retirement
- Earn a certain amount in your business
- Contribute to a charity
Notice all of these are very measurable.
Setting relationship goals is a bit foreign to me as a recovering engineer but it makes total sense. These could include:
- Recommitting to your spousal relationship
- Reconnecting with a child or parent
- Establishing new friendships to support you in various parts of your life
These bold goals are not easily measurable.
What do you want to achieve in your career in the coming year? These could include:
- Getting promoted
- Assigned a great project
- Quitting your job and starting your business
- Acquiring new business
These bold goals are quite measurable.
What are your lifestyle goals for the coming year? These could include:
- Buying that RV that you want for retirement
- Selling the house and downsizing into a condo
- Simplifying your life by getting children off your payroll
- Planning your retirement including investigating possible overseas locations (more on this early next year)
Some of these bold goals are measurable but not all
What are your health goals? These could include:
- Lose weight
- Reduce your blood pressure (this is mine)
- Improve your diet
- Run a marathon
Some of these bold goals are measurable.
Revisiting Your Bold Goals
Michael Hyatt mentioned in the podcast that it is important to revisit these goals from time to time and use the 3 R’s.
- Recommit
- Revise
- Remove
You may have to recommit to some of these bold goals. You may have to revise some of this mid-year because of life changes. Also, some of these goals will need to be removed because you may need to change direction.
My Goals for 2017
I will be working on my goals for 2017 in the next few weeks. Some of them I will be publishing on this blog in January so that I can be held accountable.
Are you going to set some bold goals for 2017?
Are they going to be in the discomfort zone?
How are you going measure the results?
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