What If You Are not Passionate About Anything?
Well, there are a lot of us out there who are not passionate about any ONE thing. We are passionate about a combination of things!
I have talked about those interests that you must fulfill to be happy. In a previous post, I talked about my wife and her very high outdoors interest. She knew about this — kinda but she was not aware of it to the extent that she would go outdoors when she felt blue or just needed a boost.
What happens when you are not passionate about anything?
What if you have so many interests that there is not one thing that drives you? Society tells us that being passionate about one thing will drive you to success.
I hate to tell you but that is BS! I am not passionate about any one thing, but a lot of things, and I am fine just that way I am!
Note: This post was originally written in May 2012 and has been the most popular post on CareerPivot.com ever since. It was updated in June 2018.
Make sure and read the comments.
Interests = Passions
I do have a lot of interests but nothing I am passionate about. The following graphic came from my Birkman assessment. A score of 85 or above is a strong interest and a score over 90 is something you must have in your life to be happy. Notice I do not have any interests over 82. I like to do a lot of different things.
What you will notice about me is:
- I like putting things together, either physically or logically. (Mechanical)
- I like helping people. I have run help desks, support groups and been in training most of my career. (Social Service)
- I like to research stuff and figure things out. (Scientific)
- I like to propose ideas and communicate. (Persuasive)
- To a lesser degree, I like the outdoors. (Outdoor)
For More: Do your skills match your interests in your career?
Multipotentialites have a lot of different interests. The problem is there is no single interest that drives them. The one common theme is they love to learn.
You could describe me as a multipotentialite. I like to do a lot of things, not just one.
For More: Are you a Multipotentialite?.
What do I not like to do?
- I am not a reader AT ALL! (Literary)
If you have read earlier postings you would have learned that I graduated from high school reading extremely poorly. I read at maybe 30-40 words per minute. Reading was hard work! Even though I have overcome that in the last 30 years, I still do not read for enjoyment. I read books when required.
I do not love to do anything. I like to do a lot of things. This is both good and bad. On the good side, I have been able to move around in my career: programmer, engineer, trainer, IT consultant, public speaker, salesperson, school teacher, help desk support person, non-profit fundraiser and now a career designer.
On the bad side, I have been directionless from time to time. I wrote about this in my post when I left teaching titled, Dealing with that Directionless Feeling. Rather interesting – this post is found by readers using Google search every week. I am not the only one who gets this feeling from time to time.
What Can You Do About It?
I have long accepted that I need variety in what I do on both a daily and long-term basis. In my career, I have typically changed jobs or area every 3-5 years. This means I have made a lot of lateral career moves, which as a baby boomer, I was told was not something you wanted to do. We were supposed to always be looking for that next promotion.
I followed my own drummer!
I now try to make a change to my business every year to add variety.
I started the Repurpose Your Career Podcast in 2016, which has added a lot of variety. Learning how to produce a podcast has stretched me considerably.
The Career Pivot community website project was started in 2017 and is currently in beta. Building a membership website and community is something I have never done before.
In 2018, along with my virtual assistant, we have been re-organizing the website. You will probably notice the section –
Do You Need Help With …
at the bottom of every post and in the sidebar. We spent a lot of time digging through the nearly thousand pieces of content on the website and organized it into portals. This was fun! We created a Start Here page and eight portal pages.
I purposely make changes to keep things interesting. I am not passionate about anything. I am passionate about a combination of things.
How about you? Do you feel that you are not passionate about anything?
Are you NOT driven by a single calling? Check out my post about being a multipotentialite and let me know if that resonates with you.
Note: This post is found daily! If you have found this article you are not alone. There are a lot of us who are not driven by any single interest. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH ME OR YOU.
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Well Marc, your writing here is quite good and that is primarily because it is clear and concise. I suspect those qualities are present, in part, because both reading and writing are not easy for you, so you write for yourself but not to too great an extent.
I am much like you in that I am good at and enjoy many things, but do not have one or two overriding passions, however, I can get really passionate about a job or task that incorporates several of the things I enjoy most. I was particularly happy as a technical trainer doing Datamarts and ETL (and also Comp) because I could spend time with people and help them, but also do some really technical stuff and solve problems. I also got to travel, research and be persuasive and get well paid for doing those as well. From that I take it that just because one is not above 90 in any one area of Birkman, that doesn’t mean that you might not have a job or hobby that you aren’t passionate about. I suspect that Birkman is just limited for some of us who have wide ranging talents and interests.
Unfortunately with the economic downturn most jobs like that went away even though I’m seeing a greater and greater need for them all over. I transitioned into being pretty much a full time consultant which I find is rather limiting for me and working from home without much human contact is not the best for me either. I’ve joined a new company that is smaller and I will get the chance to work onsite with customers and develop training again so perhaps I can work my way back into the true job I can be really passionate about if I’m lucky. Otherwise I’ll be calling you early next year.
Glad you have found a new place. I know you were pretty miserable where you were.
I have had people complement me on my writing. It is much easier now. Give me a call sometime and let’s have lunch.
Hello. What do you recommend for someone who doesn’t like to do anything. I’ve been trying hard to find something I’m passionate with no luck. Whatever I set out to achieve takes a great deal of effort and energy for me to focus on the tasks and goals. I get discouraged quickly because things are very hard for me to accomplish. If I get stuck with something I get depressed and tell myself how stupid I am. The only thing I like to do is travel and seek thrills. Is there hope for me?
i am the same way! i am over 50, and recently started a job where i am second oldest in the office. no one has gotten to know me, now after several months. i probably treated older people the same way when i was in my 20s, without meaning to ignore them on purpose.
anyway, i am definitely interested in a lot of things, but without passion. seems like there might be hope for me, since i am not alone.
You are correct you are not alone.
You are interested in traveling. What sparks you from travel?
Hi I’m eli I’m 33 years old .I was raised in n.y.c until age 17 till my parents moved to Israel . I love to travel . I love to see different people .thing’s .and learn new words in different languages .to see how they live what they eat and if I can combine two different places that one of them can have a better way of life .thanx and good day
hi marc, I am some what of your kind as of now but I really want myself to have one passion , I am 25 year old and bit lazy want to get over with this habit. I want to have running as my passion but i rarely run. Being in India it is not easy here to have a passion other than academic studies. I wanted some help in how to cope my situation. would you suggest something.
I am not interested in anything really anymore and passion is a foriegn word.
I burned myself out working too much, made myself sick.
Tried going back to school but it was much harder than I thought, and i really really tried hard and ran out of money.
I have a part time job that i make less than $1000 a month.
In a relationship but I don’t interact with people like friends….
I’m completely lost in life
Suicide is my retirement plan when I get too old
I wish I felt better. How?
I understand that things are tough right now. My book is free through Thursday. Maybe that might lead you in a direction?
You might also check out this website http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/happy-people/ . None these are solutions but just to let you know I understand.
I have never taken that mentioned assessment but find myself similarly without such a passion. Even things that mildly hold my interest do so only briefly. Never really liked any job I have had, even the ones where bosses and coworkers praised me regularly. When asked what I would like to do instead the answer is simply ‘not this’. Never found my ‘bliss’. I do not expect to necessarily love my job and am generally just glad to be employed, and cannot imagine anything I would happily do for the rest of my wirking life 🙁
Sorry to hear that your work life has not been happy. Can you remember a time when you were happy doing anything. Work, play, childhood,….
i turned 60 this past spring. My solo technology company of 10 years collapsed. Mostly my fault. I completely lost my passion for my consulting projects and client engagement. I was down to one client. They didn’t exactly fire me. They simply quit calling. So there I sat. Alone in.my corporate headquarters (one bedroom apartment) , no income, no desire or passion left to do or attempt to do anything. All I cared about was walking my dog, working out, and spending time with my 21 year old daughter who is thriving in college and already set for graduate school. She says she gets her motivation and passion for learning from me. I don’t understand how. She didn’t know I was no longer working . I was quickly spending my way through my retirement.
She took on a summer job with a solar energy company as a door to door lead generation rep. She’d find an interested buyer and schedule appointments on behalf of the solar sales team,with the homeowners.
I took a keen interest in her work and spent time researching everything about solar and then learned the sales process by going on appointments with the representatives that my daughter scheduled for the sales presentation. I saw a few holes in their process and brought it to the attention of their regional director. We were both excited about my findings and the next thing I knew I was closing deals for the lead generators. I got so excited about what I was doing that I decided to start my own lead generation in addition to closing deals.
By far I’m the oldest team member but I’ve found direct sales to be so much more exciting than technology consulting. I discovered my new passion and made more money in my first 90 days than the two previous years. I opted for straight commission without salary but my commission structure is higher than the others.
Never in my wildest dreams, throughout 38 years of consulting did I envision myself at 60 with a new-found career selling solar systems to the residential marke door to door. It’s not for everybody but i love it. I work pretty much when I want. Set my own schedule. Work at my own pace and easily on track for a six digit income before close of 2018. Money isn’t my driving force but it helps.
Next summer my daughter will be my lead generator. She loves the sales process as well and is very capable.
Who knows…? We may start our own solar dealership and grow a father-daughter sales organization.
To think, just last spring I was planning suicide as part of my retirement package.
I think of the movie Cast Away and remember one of Tom Hanks lines. “You never know what the next tide is going to bring.”
My advice: Not only shous we think outside the box. Sometimes we have to get out of the box entirely.
Thanks for letting everyone hear your story. The key point I want you to remember is you will likely become bored if you do not keep things fresh.
If i was younger and in shape like i use to be, there’s a ton of things i’d like to do again. If i hadn’t done certain things in life, if people hadn’t died in my life or my friend were still …. oh, there’s soo much, some can’t do for certain reasons and, it’s very sad: very sad! {joke} Don’t get older, it’s no fun! lol
But, people are strange, the way some of em look at life; in a hurry to get no-where and no time to talk or really understand things .
Enjoy life the best you can and, God Bless you Bro!
B kool!
Interesting and inspiring story, John. Thanks for sharing.
John, this is a wonderful story!! Inspiring!
I feel the same way. I really like a lot of things. If offered to do those, I wouldn’t refuse. However, if not offered, I wouldn’t fight for it. I see so many of my friends passionate and driven for something. I just do things because I have to. I really hate it sometimes. Why can’t I be passionate about something?
There is nothing wrong with you. I am the same way and about 10-20% of the population is this way. What I find is those of us who have lots of interests have to keep our job fresh. My goal now is to add something new to my business every year.
Thank you so much for this article. It feels comforting to know I’m not the only one who is a jack of all trades and not passionate about any of them. Why can’t I be happy with my work? I’ve been asking myself this question all my life. Pretending I’m really passionate or interested in what I’m doing but truthfully just going through the motions. I felt cursed by having too many interests. At my age (52), work I think I might be interested in doing would just take too much time and money to get up to speed to make a decent salary. Or, I’m too afraid to try because I think about ALL the work that would be involved in getting into a business and the fact there’s no guarantee it will be profitable or successful.
I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment that “those of us who have lots of interests have to keep our job fresh.” This statement accurately describes me.
Thanks for your articles, they are very interesting, insightful, and helpful too.
hello sir,
i not yet decided any profesion in my life.because i was defeated by everyone i not even feel victory in my life.can u guide me sir
Hi Mark,
I’ve just found your blog, and love it! I’ve thought it terrible that I don’t have a passion, and can think of nothing I’d love to work at!! I’m currently trying to get out of one field of work into something new and I’ve no idea where to go! I heard a lady speak at a jobs expo recently and she suggested going back to basics and writing down your talents and skills…as current jobs and ourselves can take them all for granted. Its been so long, I even reverted to asking family members to help me on my skill set!! I’m 37, and I’ll be working for many years, so want to get into something that I can get up and enjoy at the beginning of the week. No more dreaded Sunday evenings. You did the Birkman Assessment, is that something you recommend, or was it something that you had just done so commented on? Good to see others on this blog….. from now on instead of saying I’ve no passion, I’ll just say a girl of many interests!!!!
I will be updating this post. I had one gentleman who was even more skewed in his interests than me. He had a CPA, MBA, Law degree, masters degree in law and lots of certifications. He has a passion for learning but not one thing.
I love the Birkman for this. It picked me apart. Reach out to me via the contact me link at the top of the page if you want to talk.
Hi Mark,
I’m actually just sitting through your 5 steps to Repurpose Your Career video! Its already answered most of my post!!!!
Yeah I’m kind of the same, Chemistry degree but career has been in Corporate Banking!! I’ve a love for Motorbikes, and did try that a job for a while, but in Ireland due to the weather running motorbike track days isn’t a full time job!!!
Thanks for the reply, I’m going to carry on looking at the video!
I’m waiting for my moment of Clarity!!!!!!!
Hi marc! I’m John, 23. Just like all of them, I am not passionate about anything. I already had 4 different jobs in my 3 yrs of work. This includes retail, banking, and research. I also got 2 licenses as real estate broker and appraiser. Currently, I am taking master’s degree in urban planning. I also have troubles in reading and writing. I easily got bored. I think I only want learnings.
Did you read the multi-potentialite post? If not, let me know what you think.
Thanks for the post. I’m so glad i found this. I have been worrying that ‘why am i not passionate about any career’? .I am passionate about things, but they don’t really link into my career pursuits. So, for e.g i am passionate about eating fried breakfast or taking a stroll through a beautiful garden in the sun or looking a beautiful women etc. However, i often find ELEMENTS of real interest in the careers i am pursuing, i.e acting, script writer, landscape Gardner and tv producer. but overall they don’t make me burn with passion and fire! I enjoy the challenges of them . I think it’s strange in my fields of work to not have a burning passion , as i often hear actors rave about an all consuming engulfing passion,,,same with writers. I just don’t have that. I love aspects of the work and that’s it. I feel liek this about nearly every job
Yes, you hear from the actors who rave about an all consuming engulfing passion but you hear nothing from others who do not. We are all different. I am glad you found value.
Hi..I am a Computer Engineering graduate…No practical training was provided in the college. After I completed my graduation, I worked for 2 years as a database programmer in a startup company with 15-20 employees which gradually reduced in number as many people from my batch had left for better job prospects.
I never liked to study more on the subject to upgrade my knowledge. I did not get along well with the remaining colleages..
I had a break in career for 4 years. Then worked as Telesales executive..did not like the job…did a course on Software Testing,,did not like it either..finally joined a BPO as Customer service executive.worked here for 2 years, (for an email process) as I fear working for a voice process. I am not spontaneous.. I have understanding issues (Many people agree with this)..I do not get along well with few family members..
I am 30..and not working currently. I am not financially independent. I don’t think I will marry..i have never had a friend in my life.
I try to be amicable with people but eventually get into arguments.
I do not like to study any subject. Feel really embarrassed to go back to do college again.
What if I get bored again?
Sometimes I feel I can do anything I want but sometimes I think I am dumbest person on earth.
I like to manage home and feel very unconfortable to step out of the house. I do not like most people around me…Sometimes I feel very insecure, like an odd man out on the earth.
I like to look good, dress well, be the centre of attraction. I get attached easily to few people.
Can u guide me?
I think your issues are less about career and more about personality. I have had similar issues and I spent a lot of time with a psychologist to help me understand how and why I interacted with friends, family and coworkers the way I did. I would seek out help from a psychologist, social worker or clergy.
This is great, Mark. I’m not a strong reader either. However, I am challenging myself to read two books a month this year. I know I’ll get better if I do it more frequently, but I admit, I would rather watch a video or listen to audio. Audiobooks are also a good way to “read”. 😉
I have also been known to be scatterbrained, just ask my wife. Focus isn’t my strongest suit, but I’m getting so much better at it with a daily goals worksheet I created and my killer calendar. I’m happy to drop links if you are interested in checking them out.
I have big fan if Audible.com. I even recorded my own book and made it available on Audible.
Please put the links to any tools you have found usual here.
Thanks for sharing
Hey, it’s good to know that other people feel this way, you know, career wise and personality, I can’t help but feel a strong connection with people not my age, usually they are younger and to make it more interesting, I feel I have to help them become better people too. They mostly remind me of myself and maybe that’s why I want to help them. Either way, I’m an english teacher in Mexico and I feel that after living for 20 years in the USA, currently 7 years in Mexico has made me a different person. I feel trapped in my education perhaps that’s why I can’t feel better about myself.
I have no interest in learning more about my interests. Cuz normally I don’t do anything about it. And if i think about doing something new and interesting, for me it’s like a whole new adventure, but if I’m already skilled in it and the interest is not as great I just stop caring in perfecting that certain skill.
I have many interests and not a single one am I passionate enough to make me happy.
I get bored too easily. And that’s a curse I’ve lived with my whole life.
You are a true multi-potentialite. Most are interested in learning.
I don’t know if you’ll ever reply to me but i hope you do. I have graduated from a degree in Computer Graphics. Even though i graduated with a nearly perfect GPA, it felt forced. I tried looking for a job as a Graphic Designer and when i finally landed an interview i didn’t go. I feel like i didn’t want a job as a Graphic Designer. Even though i was good at it, i couldn’t wait to finish up my projects. It wasn’t something that i was passionate about. I feel as though my true calling in life is video games. It’s something that i have always loved since i was a kid. I often regret taking Graphic Design when i should i have taken Game Design. At least i have a degree. I was hesitant in taking Game Design because it deals with Programming and i remember it being difficult and confusing in High School. Do you think i should go back to University and try my luck in Game Design. I’m not getting any younger and i feel people my age are already established or getting established in their career and i feel jealous and angry of their success and i feel i deserve to be happy too. I feel i’m wasting my life when i know i’m capable of much more. I’m sorry for the rant. Thank You
Have you talked to anyone who is working in the game design industry? It is a very tough business with a lot of feasts and famines.
I would be happy to chat with you about this.
Marc Miller
Thanks for the response Marc. No i haven’t talked to anyone in the game industry but i know it’s a very competitive industry to get into. I’m thinking now of going into a field that i’m interested in but will also land me a job afterwards. How do i go about talking to you on this matter.
Thank You,
I am also not that passionate about anything in particular, including my current job. Although I enjoy what I do for work, I wouldn’t say I’m passionate about it.
I found this interesting video on Youtube about being successful in your career and that it doesn’t have to be about passion. The speaker is Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert. I think it pertains very well with your article.
I am watching the video. As always Scott Adams has a unique perspective.
I feel so lost about what to do in life. I I’ll be 35 in a month and have jumped from job to job for over 2 decades with no real passion for anything. I thought I wanted to get into the Cosmetology field so I went to school for that but my lack of confidence got the better of me and I didn’t even end up taking the required state board exams. I got a job as a makeup consultant but didn’t feel confident that I was very good at that either so I quit. I recently got laid off from my office desk job whixh I only took in the first place so I could have a steady paycheck and now that I have no job/career and need to find something again I feel I’m back at square 1 with no real direction and no passion to do anything. I love animals but can’t do anything that requires me to see them sick or being put down so a Vet office would be ruled out. Please help me and offer me some advice on what I should do. Sincerely. ‘Lost soul’
I would be happy to chat with you. You can contact me via the Contact Career Pivot tab on this page.
There are lots of things you can do with animals outside of a vet office. Working with animals dies not require working with sick animals.
I live in Mississippi and am currently in South Carolina trying my hand at construction. Come to find out…I’m not good at that either.
I’ve waited tables and bartended for 20 years, but my body couldn’t take the walking anymore. My degrees are in Art and English. Now while teaching is certainly an option, I lack the ability to inspire.
Befuddled does not begin to describe my feelings towards my “employability.” It’s a combination of lack of skill, a lack of specific aptitudes, and most importantly a lack of confidence.
My only real passion is to write, but I lack the necessary financial means to do that.
There are lots of opportunities to write. Check out upworks.com and if you want to chat click the Contact Career Pivot and I can give you more options.
this is so me. wow sir marc. sir marc. what if you dont like a degree your studying anymore because its not what you want. but your auntie and uncle wont let you. they disagree with you because they always think that none of my relatives have finished college yet. it chokes me. they only want me to to pursue for the sake of the title that someone have to get a degree. im actually studying a bachelor of science in industrial technology major in garments. yes i really liked the major but i dont like studying the unrelated subject. i just want the major alone.
Are you saying you like the industrial technology courses but dislike everything else they are telling to take? If so, I did too when I pursued my Computer Science degree. If you want to talk about this click on the Contact Career Pivot tab on the bottom or right and maybe we can schedule a few minutes to chat.
Hi Marc
I cam across this blog when I entered “what if you’re not passionate about anything” in Google. The search was almost like an epiphany. Ive been banging my head, literally, trying to discover my passion thinking that once I had the light bulb moment, the gates of realism would open and the choir of eureka would begin to sang. Alas, I’m still in the dark.
I belive I’m multipotentialist-ish. I have a number of interests but only a couple I’d like to pursue career-wise.
The problem is, today anyway, that although I’m pretty adaptable I would rather have a position where I can work and love it. I don’t want to jump from job to job, opportunity to opportunity. I want become knowledgeable dare I say even expert in something. Im 45, tired of hopping.
So it’s ok that I’m not passionate about anything? WHEW!! That really is load off. So what now?
Now you need to create a design of multiple streams of income or a portfolio career –> https://careerpivot.com/2012/are-you-ready-for-a-portfolio-career/
If you want to talk hit the Contact Career Pivot tab and we can schedule a free consultation.
What should I do when I am not interest in anything. Neither do I have any hobby or passion. I can’t seem to develop interest anything. Everything seems boring. I don’t have any active hobbies. I only love watching movies. What should I do?
Hi Marc,
Like many above, I have many interests but not passionate about one. I have worked in the IT consulting industry for many years. When I decided I was tired of traveling 4-5 days a week I took a local job. The job was an IT Business analyst and support role, I liked it for a while but then boredom set in. I found a remote consulting role and soon after starting, I found out I had a medical issue that needed immediate attention. When I took a medical leave from the job, they replaced me.
I have tried to search for a passion, find a job I love and live the life I should. One I thought about is being a nutritionist, I like helping people and thought it might be a good job and eventually be suitable for retirement. I have thought, what type of business could I start that I have a passion, many things come to mind, but not one things stands out. I still need to make a living and pay the bills. Trying to do a mid-life career change is exhausting.
I found many of the things you listed in your article are similar to my interests. I am crafty, I make a lot of different things, jewelry, sewing, and wood work to name a few. I like to give them away when friends tell me I could sell them, seems like a lot of work and not a good career. I like to implement and solve things. I volunteer for an organization that helps homeless and have thought about other ways to contribute. I could go on and on so will stop there,
I feel like I am all over the place trying to figure it out.
Any suggestions on where to start?
Thank much,
Rather than trying to find that one thing, look at building a portfolio of careers. I would recommend you pursue selling your crafts but not as your only endeavor. You like variety.
Does that help? If you want to talk click on one on of the contact tabs to arrange a time to talk.
I am almost 50, and I am divorced without children. I have never been able to get a career going, and I have never enjoyed any job I’ve ever had. I am supposedly highly intelligent, and like you, I thoroughly enjoy learning new things. I am naturally a very curious person, but I am not very good at anything that pays money. It’s made me quite sad in my life, and I know I will probably live in poverty in my old age as a result. I went to college and made attempts at entering the medical field and the field of education, but nothing ever worked out career-wise. I have never made very much money, so I have never been able to save up for retirement. Is it possible for an introvert who is intelligent, articulate, well read, and a decent writer to ever find a career where they can make money at this late stage in life? I have my doubts. I have idea what I am good at and what I can do. It seems to late for me to find out.
YES. Hit the contact me button on the top of this page and let’s schedule a time to talk.
“Is it possible for an introvert who is intelligent, articulate, well read, and a decent writer to ever find a career where they can make money at this late stage in life?”
In a word, “NO!!” Not while the the Tyranny of the Millennials continues.
I was 45 when I began trying to change my career (I made the huge mistake of going to library school thinking it would be all database management…but it is more like daycare). Actually, if I were younger, I would be permitted to the aspects of the job I enjoy, but as an older woman nothing will shatter the stereotype that you are some stay at home mom, technophobic, nincompoop (even when I know more than my co-workers about what to do in any given problem).
It’s just that I did not dream of becoming a librarian at age 10 so anyone coming to it late is a “loser and a career changer” and must be “damaged goods” because they obviously failed at their last career (Don’t believe me? Read this from an actual librarian who does hiring https://hiringlibrarians.com/2015/08/02/lis-education-is-a-bad-joke/ )
Okay, so I came to librarianship because I thought it might be a little better than being a greeter at walmart (and more importantly, I thought it would pay slightly better).
In the 11 years since, I have not found a full-time job and it is not because I haven’t gotten plenty of interviews.
I am almost always shocked when I look at old sitcoms from the 1960s and see “old” actresses playing secretaries. So far from the Logan’s Run world I have gotten so used to.
Marc….I am 58…..went to College worked in mostly medical sales jobs that I wasn’t particularly good at but stayed in it to support my family. Im divorced, pay alimony and about to lose another sales job. Financially …things are not well
All this stress has thrown me into depression. …….
I know I need to find another career /job but have no clue……this terrifying to me.
Do you have any suggestions.
Saw your post when I googled searched “wandering around no interest in anything”. Living in a typical Asian city with a focus on good academic results and getting a government job is a lot of ordinary people’s dream. Professionals such as lawyers, doctors definitely be getting a very high social status here. The gap between the poor and rich is is large, and social status is very important. I studied abroad in North America before and I prefer the lifestyle in foreign countries. I got an old classmate who studies hotel management and gets a very happy life traveling around the world. I admitted I am a bit low self-esteem and an ideologist. I feel like I’m starting everything from scratch. I’ve worked for a year and a half there and come back because of a break up. The job I had was something I want to do at first (creative industry, marketing) but I felt empty, stressed afterward especially when it’s a small company and not even a local one. Every time I get back home, I was drained out and probably because of that, I got mad at my ex sometimes. And life is soooo monotonous. I don’t have many friends and no hobbies. And he probably got bored of me and also felt stressed being with me when I was so sensitive about his and his female friends/exs. He broke up with me all of a sudden. Now I’m back to this Asian country, I felt even trapped because of the realism. I tried to pick up a hobby, but when I realize I acted like a fool and felt like I will never be good in that hobby. It’s just a beginner class, but I felt like a competitive class as everyone actually has some background in the hobby already. And for my career path, my passion in innovative, creative is lost. Here in this country, people with a STEM background has the advantage, gain the most $, and highest social status. And I am not a maths/science person for sure. I did think about get enrolled in a high school math class and take the GCE test. But I know so clearly I’m not the type of person that wanna walk in the same conventional way like other asian does. I just randomly applied for jobs and got a routine work offer. It is also harder to make friends too when everyone already has their own circle from school. People here don’t interact that much even when volunteering. I’m interested in a lot of things, e.g. travel, outdoor activities, but somehow I’m not that passionate about it. I tried joining meetups, volunteering, but feel awkward when a lot of them know each other already.
I’m now 23 and I really don’t want my whole life to be like that. I wanna work abroad sometimes and make new friends, and hopefully meet a nice guy too. But I’m sure my situation now is definitely a disadvantage for me. I don’t look that attractive but a boring girl wandering around…Hopefully you could give me some advice.
Hello Marc,
Like many others, I’ve put myself in a pickle as well. Growing up I thought I was going to have a wonderful future having a successful job, but it never really occurred to me that I was paying so much attention to having his successful future, I didn’t think about what it was going to be. During my childhood all I ever wanted to was play. School wasn’t a big interest for me. throughout my years of going to school, it always felt like a task or a chore I had to do. Times where I did enjoy school was when I was in the 7th grade and I was part of this drama club. Or when I joined the volleyball team. I also lived in this fantasy world where movies always intrigued me. I would always act out scenes from a movie, pretend I’m on stage and sing, or simply pretend that someone is there to act out something with me. Acting was something I wanted to pursue for many years, I even joined one theater production at my first college. My heart was set on acting, but was convinced not to do it by others and myself. When I applied for the college that I am at now, I wanted to pursue Dental Hygiene, I thought to myself that I was able to do it, but what convinced me not to do it was not being able to find a job as a dental hygienist. My parents wanted me to get my Bachelor’s degree so bad, I was under the pressure or choosing a major for my degree. But everything that I saw I had no interest for. I debated to go with theater, but I knew my parents wouldn’t go for that. So I chose the one degree that I now regret and that is Early Childhood Studies. I’m going to school for becoming a daycare teacher and the pay sucks. I regret choosing this degree and I don’t want to be a teacher. I have one more year to go, but after i’m done, I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m not good at anything because I lack the experience of working or be driven to create a life for myself. I don’t have a path or a place to start. what do I do?
You are spending too much time listening to what other people want for you and not what you want for yourself.
You said you wanted to pursue being a dental hygienist degree but what convinced you that you could not get a job?
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for responding to my comment. I truly appreciate it. I’m spending too much time listening to my parents because most of the time I don’t know what right for me.
What convinced me that I couldn’t get a job in Dental Hygiene is hearing other’s people’s experience in the field. as time flew by I looked at the courses I needed to take for this class and then I started to doubt myself, along with the rest of the majors that could potentially have promising careers in the future.
I just wanted to take the time to say thank you for responding to my comment. I truly appreciate it. I’m spending too much time listening to my parents because most of the time I don’t know what right for me.
What convinced me that I couldn’t get a job in Dental Hygiene is hearing other’s people’s experience in the field. as time flew by I looked at the courses I needed to take for this class and then I started to doubt myself, along with the rest of the majors that could potentially have promising careers in the future.
What about when everything you truly enjoyed as a kid you were no good at (drawing, art). Everything I sort of fell into turns out I am pretty good at (database management, and bean counting, improving processes).
The only thing I hate hate hate is dealing with people because they talk down to me like I am some sort of idiot (and they dismissively wave off any practical suggestions I may have because I am a woman over 40 …. even when I have turned out time and time again to be right…like when I diagnose a possible reason why things aren’t working with the computers).
I really want to punch most people most of the time. So how in hell does somebody who is not an idiot even get considered for a job against a bunch of stupid young people who think they are rocket scientists but aren’t?.
Oh, right you don’t have a solution because there isn’t a solution that a bullet to the head can’t fix. We should all just bide our time until the robots take what few jobs are left that aren’t “SUPER SHINY HAPPY PEOPLE PERSON” jobs. And anyone who thinks a robot revolution is a good thing clearly has not thought this through. Our robot overlords are not going to be looking to share their loot with a bunch of people they consider to be freeloaders. The first thing the robots will be programmed to do will be to reduce the surplus population.
Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but I will live to say “I told you so.” (Since when did “negativity” come to mean “not the truth”?).
Hey Marc
I just wanted to drop a line to say that it’s very interesting to read that your post is found daily by people feeling the same way.
I’ve been reading through some of your comment responses and while there are certain things a creative might enjoy, it doesn’t mean that we could make a career out of them unfortunately. The world doesn’t need any more aspiring actors etc.
What a pickle we all seem to be in.
Thanks for writing.
i am not interested in anything at all , nothing intrigues me. I am not good in anything i have absolutely no talent i am basically below average in anything i do. i am not social at all I stay at home most of my time avoiding all human interactions I am tired of my life i want to find something worth working for
Hey, Im 18 and graduated high school a year ago, all i want in life is a stable job that pays like 80k anual and is not very stressful. Im enrolled in college as a biology major but have realized that the sciences are not for me. Everyone around me keeps telling me to just find what your passionate about and it will become easy to study for it, but after thinking long and hard i came to find im not passionate about anything that i can make a successful career out of. Most of the things i am passionate about are childish and dont really lead anywhere, theyre more hobbies than anything like collecting sneakers. I fear im going to be left behind by time and will end up broke and alone. What do you think i should do?
Your real issue is you have not been exposed to enough of the world. At 18 years of age, you are still quite young and you need to keep trying things.
You do not know what you do not know.
Hi Marc,
This post is quite refreshing!
I am young, 23 and completing my Nursing degree this year with only one topic to go.. It has taken me 5 years for a 3 year course.. I’ve hated it from day one but have stuck with it..
I do not see my self in the health care environment, although I’m always told I have natural attributes and personality that show genuinity and compassionate compassion.
Every thing I try I like and without wanting to sound too full of myself, I am naturally good at. Yet, I have never found anything that gets my blood boiling for more than a week… I am a creative, but I am also great at critical thinking, problem solving, building rapport and science..
I value self-realization and self-awareness above all else.. So it doesn’t make sense to me that I can’t figure out what I love doing enough to stick with it for more than a week…
Any advice regarding my situation would be greatly appreciated and a breath of refreshing support.
Love your work.
All the best with your endeavours 🙂
The key is to keep trying new things. As you say you are young. Keep exploring!
Hi Marc,
I am glad and relieved that I came across this blog, I’ve been dealing with pretty much same issue for years, I am 30 years old, I had a degree in nursing as a nurse specialized in anesthesiology and intensive care,just after gradation I got a job and at the same time started college majoring in business law because I hated the the field and always felt pressured and stressed thinking that I might quit at any time, yet I liked helping people,and making patients happy. I worked in the health care field for almost 4 years till I realized that I could’t do it anymore, that’s when I faced my family and decided to go for my MBA, I left a well paid job to come to the USA for grad school, aspiring that I would shift my entire life not only my professional one, opening up doors to new adventures and experiences in life.
I went through a real struggle, first I worked at the university as student assistant in the career center, after graduation, I had hard time landing a job, I was broke, no idea which direction I should follow. In addition to the financial struggle, I had this opportunity that I had to give up because it was an unpaid 40 hours internship as an HR assistant, and I wasn’t able to support myself at the time. I guess I took a wrong decision not doing it, i am still blaming myself for that because the path of my career would have been much clearer than now .
After all that, I did many jobs to survive like serving in restaurants and bars, cashier at gas stations, and temp positions that were useless, I gained Zero experience, I feel lost and ashamed of myself, as I couldn’t figure out my my path , nor true passion. I feel like I am so embarrassed to say that I had no clue what I want or what I am good at, it starting to ruin my life as I am becoming more sensitive, less sociable , less-confidente and just thinking about this all day long.
Please any advice or insight, I am loosing my mind.
Thank you again.
Marc….I am 58…..went to College worked in mostly medical sales jobs that I wasn’t particularly good at but stayed in it to support my family. Im divorced, pay alimony and about to lose another sales job. Financially …things are not well
All this stress has thrown me into depression. …….
I know I need to find another career /job but have no clue……this terrifying to me.
Do you have any suggestions.
I sent you a note to your email address.
I learn more about myself as I get older. I have been operating my own business as a Resume Writer for a few years now and I don’t seem to want to do anything else but work. Sometimes I wonder about the meaning of “entrepreneurship”. I wonder about where the line is… The line that makes the distinction between “passion” and “sanity”!
As for personal interests, I have had so many that I find it overwhelming sometimes… The one trait that has kept me centered has been my undeniable desire to learn new things. That’s how I have followed my own drum and didn’t fall into any kind of ‘collective’ description in terms of my pursuits.
Over time, I have gone after anything from being an executive recruiter to ice skating, music, languages, and everything else in between. Though overwhelmed at times, I never really felt confused or bad about it.
Thanks for sharing your feelings about being multipotentialite. Truly enjoyed reading it.
So thankful I found this post. I’m going through the college application process, and it’s been difficult coming up with a personal statement because everyone says to “write about something you’re really passionate about”. I’ve been trying to find something that I’m really passionate about, but I can’t find any; except that I’ve had so many interests that mostly aren’t related. I began to think that maybe I’m abnormal. But then I realized that I can’t be the only one in the world without a passion. So I googled and found this; and you’ve said everything as it is. I figured a long while ago that I’m passionate about learning and trying new things, just like you mentioned. I’m just really grateful you wrote this :-):-)
Wow. Reading this really made me feel like I’m not a complete an utter failure in not knowing what that “thing” is that I should be doing. I’ve put so much pressure on myself to figure it out, that I stretch myself so far in trying to understand what it is I’m meant to be doing. And yet, I can’t say what that is for certain. I have a lot of interests, and love learning about those interests. But is that enough to build a career? A business? Escalate a passion from it? I don’t know. Sometimes I think, what if it’s just an interest, and I end up hating actually doing it as a job? How would you know until you try I guess.
I would really like to know though what you would recommend to narrowing down the scope a bit. From your experience, how did you discover an interest that led you into a job or career, and how were you able to move around from different careers? Most times transferable skills aren’t enough if you don’t have a certificate, or degree to back it up.
Hope to hear your insights.
Angie, I will tell you one thing, finding passion for some people can be a continuous process and not a goal and for some it feels so easy. Don’t be disturbed by the feeling or thoughts of not having a passion, instead try to find your focus, try to build something away from the things you hate, this should give you a clearer view of what to navigate, things that catches your attention enough to keep you going coz fulfilment starts from progress, on this journey you’ll aquire resourceful skill and meet with people, you’ll definitely realize what warms your heart and what you’re passionate about even if not immediately